martes, 4 de junio de 2013

As money does a federal police

As money does a federal police

Without doubt one of the most difficult jobs to get is this. A Federal Police in Mexico has been and remains difficult to belong to his honorable security lines, there are Municipal Police and State Troopers but the Federal Range is a higher level degree.

In order to belong to this great group have to have belonged to a lower ranking police post, plus recruit for several days in training extremely tired following a military line and pass both physical examinations and Medical and exams now trust which and are a requirement to serve the nation.

The work to serve the security and all the risks and means the need for a good wage for it. Within the Federal Police's ranges among themselves have different wage perception, finding 182 different salary levels included within the following 13 posts:

Commissioner General
Chief Commissioner
Inspector General
Chief Inspector
Deputy Inspector
Police First
Police Second
Police Third

The salary range is currently traded around $ 70,000 usd per month being the one less win the Police $ 12,000 usd a month and the most wins the Commissioner General with a single post about $ 200,000 usd a month and this by adding benefits and Bonds Wage bringing the lower than average earn $ 19,000 usd per month and the most earns about $ 263,000 usd cuanto gana un policia federal.

Thus is demonstrated the safety aspect is very hard work, it gives possibilities to cover the risks involved, and yet the difficulty is to get these posts the most satisfaction of a police is to serve the Nation Security aspects and maintain a line of respect, honor and honesty to citizenship to deserve your admiration.

fuente | Cuanto Gana

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